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Showing posts from March 3, 2020

3 Differences Between Being in Love and Loving Someone

How to figure out whether it’s love — or just something more temporary We are never taught about being in love growing up. It’s mind-blowing that we receive zero formalized training around arguably  the most significant area  of our entire lives. One of the things that many of my clients have asked me about over the past several years is how to know whether or not they’re in the kind of love that leads to a long-term emotionally fulfilling relationship. More specifically, they want to know if they’re in love with their partner (and the emotional honeymoon will soon  fade away ) or if they actually love them, in a way that will last. ‘Is It Real Love or Am I Just in Love?’ I had a client come to me last year with a question that I’ve been asked in many various forms before. “I’ve been dating this guy for the past four months, and I feel really good about him. We have a lot of compatibility in a lot of different areas. He feels like