Cookies-and-Cream Pavlova The story goes that Pavlova, a dessert which both Australia and New Zealand lay claim to, is named after the prima ballerina Anna Pavlova, who performed in both countries in the 1920s. Ms. Pavlova’s tutu, billowing round with layers of lace, is the inspiration for the creamy meringue dessert. This simple version combines a crackled, speckled meringue disk — crisp on the outside, chewy on the inside — and a swoopy crown of salted whipped cream. Fans of the marshmallows in Lucky Charms cereal will delight in this four-ingredient Pavlova, whose flavor is reminiscent of those hearts, stars and horseshoes. Here, the “cookies” in cookies-and-cream are, as ever, Oreos, which lend that dreamy teeter-totter of milky white and bittersweet black. INGREDIENTS FOR THE MERINGUE: 4 large egg whites Pinch of salt ¾ cup/151 grams granulated sugar 10 chocolate sandwich cookies (113 grams), such as Oreos. FOR THE TOPPING: 2 cups/480 milliliters heavy whipping ...
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