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Buhari backs Western Sahara agitation, but rejects Biafra – IPOB

      Buhari backs Western Sahara agitation,

               but rejects Biafra – IPOB

By Skunty empire

                           The Indigenous People of Biafra has declared that President Muhammadu Buhari’s support for Western Sahara agitation to break away from Morocco and the self-determination demand of Palestinians and his rejection of Igbo demand to secede from Nigeria has shown the President as a hypocrite.
The group also called on the President to stop saying that a private discussion he had with the late Igbo leader, Dim Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu had foreclosed the issue of Nigeria’s indivisibility.
IPOB said Buhari should face the present reality and stop delving into what the group called unsubstantiated history and name calling.
IPOB’s attack came barely 48 hours after the President’s nationwide broadcast where he said that in his meeting with Ojukwu in 2003 that the late Igbo sage had said he (Ojukwu) would want Nigeria to remain indivisible.
In a Tuesday’s statement in Awka, Anambra State, signed by IPOB’s Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, the group described Buhari’s claim in that respect as comical and unfounded.
The group said it could not understand why Buhari would be against a sovereign state of Biafra while campaigning for self-determination for Palestine and Western Sahara.
The group’s statement read, “Interestingly enough, there is a well-circulated video of President Buhari addressing the 70th summit of the United Nations General Assembly in New York where he stated unequivocally that no nation, no matter how small, should be denied the right to self-determination.
“Buhari in his characteristic hypocrisy failed to mention the fact that he is a staunch campaigner for self-determination for Palestine and Western Sahara. This same Buhari is the major … and backer of Western Sahara campaign to break away from Morocco.
“The question that must be answered is why it is possible for Buhari to champion the cause of self-determination for Muslims in Israel and Morocco but not so for Biafrans who are Judeo-Christians in the British-created Nigeria?”
The group added, “During his uninspiring nationwide broadcast littered with dictatorial proclamations, the only take away point in the entire turgid show of shame is that Nigeria must remain one; primarily because the dominant cabal which he represents does not want to lose their stranglehold on the finances of Nigeria.
“His hypocritical threat to deal with IPOB members, who are legitimately going about their self-determination efforts without recourse to violence, is indicative of his natural hatred for Christians and indigenous ethnic groups that make up Biafra. It is unfortunate that some people in this mere geographical expression called Nigeria are yet to understand that Biafra is an issue that is bigger than any man.



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