Your September Horoscope, Revealed
Could sanity and serenity actually be returning to Planet Earth? After August's mind-boggling (and at times, mind-blowing) eclipse season, we could all use a little more calm. On September 5, Mercury snaps out of a retrograde that began August 12 and scrambled signals clear up. Also, from the 5th to the 22nd, the sun and make-it-happen Mars will conspire in Virgo, traveling together through the Zodiac's humble, service-oriented sign. Virgo vibes help us get productive! But with creatrix Venus still in flamboyant Leo until the 19th, we could churn out something both practical andmagical. Pro tip: Source materials that are sustainably produced, consciously raised, and even upcycled. Earth sign Virgo keeps us conscious of our footprint as we build.
Although we'll be busy bees this September, Cupid has not abandoned the scene. On September 5, a dreamy full moon in Pisces ups the fantasy factor. Is it true love or fairy-tale romanticizing? Ugh, who cares?! Sure, we might all be a little delusional around this day, but that's kind of what makes it all so scintillating. But after that trip down the rabbit hole, we will need some reality checks to make sure it's actually all Wonderland and not just a magic moment. On the 22nd, the sun beams into partnership-oriented Libra for a month. Casual dating situations could turn into something more official in September's final quarter. Expect an uptick in wedding announcements and Instagram-official couplings — and one of those posts could very well be yours. And from the 19th on, cosmic lovebirds Venus and Mars will share a flight path through Virgo making sure the relationships remain healthy and devoted.
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