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Salisbury spy poisoning: UK deadline for Russian response passes in stalemate

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Theresa May set a deadline for Vladimir Putin
Image:Theresa May set a deadline for Vladimir Putin
A deadline has passed for Vladimir Putin to explain Moscow's alleged use of a chemical weapon in Salisbury, with the UK and Russia seemingly at a stalemate.
Prime Minister Theresa May had given the Russian President until the end of Tuesday to confirm whether former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were poisoned in a state attack, or if Russia had "lost control" of the nerve agent used in the attempted murder.
The Russian Embassy in London, however, said it would not respond to Mrs May's deadline until it had received samples of the chemical used in the attack.
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Video:Boris Johnson: UK considering 'package of measures'
Possible retaliation from the UK could include sanctions, although the Russian Embassy in London claimed plans were "being developed to strike Russia with cyber weapons".
It warned that "any threat to take 'punitive' measures against Russia will meet with a response".
"The British side should be aware of that," it said.
"Britain must comply with the Chemical Weapons Convention which stipulates joint investigation into the incident, for which Moscow is ready."
U.S. President Donald Trump speaks with the media before boarding Marine One helicopter March 13 2018
Video:Spy attack: Trump ready to condemn Russia
Allies including the US, France, Germany, and countries bordering Russia - Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania - have lined up behind the UK to express their support.
As the deadline drew closer, the Foreign Office said: "[Boris Johnson] has emphasised that if this was a direct act by the Russian state then it would not simply be a threat to the UK, but a clear violation of the chemical weapons convention, a breach of international law and a threat to those who abide by the rules-based international order as a whole."
Sergei Lavrov speaks about Salisbury poisoning
Video:Russia: 'UK refusing our legal requests'

Mr Skripal, 66, is a former Russian spy who sold secrets to MI6 before being jailed in Russia.
He was released in a spy swap in 2010 and has lived in Britain since.
He lived an apparently quiet life until he and his 33-year-old daughter were found slumped on a bench in a shopping centre on 4 March - an attack Mrs May said was "highly likely" carried out by Russia.
Mr Skripal and his daughter remain in a critical condition in hospital.
Theresa May says Sergei Skripal and his daughter were poisoned with a 'military-grade nerve agent'
Video:Deadline for Russia - PM's full statement
A police officer who was among the first on the scene was also seriously affected but is recovering well.
In total, 38 people required treatment for the effects of nerve agent novichok.



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