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Weeping Woman, 22, Breaks Down as She’s Brutally Whipped 100 Times for Having Pre-Marital Sex in Indonesia

Weeping Woman, 22, Breaks Down as She’s Brutally Whipped 100 Times for Having Pre-Marital Sex in Indonesia

A WEEPING woman breaks down as she is brutally whipped 100 times in public for having pre-marital sex in Indonesia.
Harrowing photos show the 22-year-old wincing in pain and begging for mercy as she's punished under strict Sharia law.
 A woman being whipped in public for violating Sharia law in Lhokseumawe, Aceh Province, Indonesia
A woman being whipped in public for violating Sharia law in Lhokseumawe, Aceh Province, Indonesia
 The 22-year-old winces in agony as she is lashed after being convicted of engaging in pre-marital sex
The 22-year-old winces in agony as she is lashed after being convicted of engaging in pre-marital sex
Dozens of ghoulish spectators watched on as the brutal punishment was doled out in the hard-line province of Banda Aceh.
She was part of a couple who were punished at a stadium in Lhokseumawe for having sex before marriage on Wednesday.
The punishments were meted out by a masked "religious officer" using an extremely painful rattan cane.
Flogging is considered an appropriate punishment in the strict Islamic region for several offences - including gambling and drinking alcohol.
 A small crowd watches on as the woman receives her agonising punishment
A small crowd watches on as the woman receives her agonising punishment
 The woman was sentenced to 100 lashes on Wednesday after being found guilty of breaking strict Sharia Law
The woman was sentenced to 100 lashes on Wednesday after being found guilty of breaking strict Sharia Law
 A man is caned at a stadium in Lhokseumawe in Aceh province on July 31
A man is caned at a stadium in Lhokseumawe in Aceh province on July 31
 The man was whipped for having pre-marital sex in the strictly religious region of Indonesia
The man was whipped for having pre-marital sex in the strictly religious region of Indonesia
As well as her and her partner being dealt 100 lashes, a 19-year-old man was also whipped for engaging in pre-marital sex - known as "zina".
The teenager's white shirt was left bright red with blood - and he's will also have to serve five years in prison.
Banda Aceh is the only province in Indonesia -  which has the world's biggest Muslim-majority country -  that imposes the beatings.


Human rights groups have dubbed the public canings barbaric, while Indonesia's President Joko Widodo has called for them to stop.
But the practice - based on a strict regional interpretation of Sharia - has wide support among Aceh's five million Muslims.
In March as many as five couples were publicly caned in front of families including children - after already serving months in prison.
And in November last year a woman was caned for allegedly having sex outside marriage in the region while cheering crowds looked on.
The same thing had happened in September, as another woman was lead on stage to be publicly whipped.
 The woman receives one of 100 brutal lashes as part of her punishment
The woman receives one of 100 brutal lashes as part of her punishment

Muslim rulebook: What is Sharia Law?

SHARIA law is the legal system of Islam derived from both the Koran, the central religious text, and fatwas - the rulings of Islamic scholars.
The Arabic word Sharia originally meant "way" or "path" and refers to the revealed law of God.
Offences are divided into two general categories in Sharia law.
Serious crimes, or "hadd" offences, have set penalties.
For example, theft is punishable by amputating the perpetrator's hand.
Adultery can carry the penalty of being stoned to death.
Not all Muslim countries adopt or enforce such punishments.
Lesser crimes, known as "tazir", are left to the discretion of a judge to be dealt with.

By skunty empire



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