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FC pamphlet Vol. 89] Arashi members talk about their favorite solos

FC pamphlet Vol. 89] Arashi members talk about their favorite solos

This translation was longer than I had expected so I decided to post it here on LJ as well. It's taken from the FC pamphlet, 20th anniversary issue. Enjoy!

FC pamphlet 89

-- Let me introduce a letter from the fans. “Amongst the member solos, I like Ninomiya-kun’s “Doko Ni Demo Aru Uta” the most. Which member solos do you like? – Inoue Kyoka-san, 17 years old, Kagoshima”

Jun: Shall we start with the Ninomiya solos?

Nino: Oh, so we’re all stating our favourite member solos, yes?

Sho: For me, it’s that one. The one where you danced a lot 3 years ago…

Jun: Oh, me too! That’s the one that came my mind straightaway. That’s “Mata Kyou To Onaji Asu Ga Kuru”, right?

Sho: That’s right! To have Nino dance that much, it left a strong impression on me.

Jun: I get what you mean!

Aiba: For me, it’s the one where everyone dressed up as mascots.

Sho: Ah, that’s “Himitsu”.

Jun: The Kokuritsu (Arafes ‘13) version, right? The one where (Aiba) wore the tiger mask.


Nino: That was really well received by the audience, right?

Jun: No, I think it just bombed?

Everyone: (ROFL)

Ohno: For me, it’s that one. The song with the piano in 2007…

Nino: “Niji”?

Ohno: Oh yes, “Niji”!

Aiba: If I remember correctly, Leader could play a line from that song, right?

Ohno: Yeah, I still know how to play it. I learnt the song while sitting next to Nino.

Jun: Oh yeah! You guys were sitting next to each other in rehearsals and playing the song.

Everyone: ROFL

-- Next up, the Aiba solos.

Jun: I like “Amore”! The human bicycle and surfing were simply excellent. (laughs) Aiba-kun’s expression when he first saw the choreography from the choreography team left a huge impression on me. He was grinning from ear to ear…


Aiba: I told the team, “I’m thinking of doing something like this,” so it made me happy how we were able to execute the performance the way I wanted it to.

Sho: For me, it has to be “Disco Star”!

Nino: I vote for “Disco Star” too.

Sho: That was so good!

Aiba: Sho-chan still does the Disco Star run for me. (laughs)

Nino: I think he’s done more Disco Star runs than the original guy?

Sho: I don’t think you know about this, but during (the 5x20 tour performance of) “Sakura Sake” farewell, I’m doing the Disco Star run diagonally across Aiba-kun, all by myself!

Everyone: ROFL

Ohno: “Disco Star” was the one with the portable shrine, right? I guess my vote goes to “Disco Star” too.

Sho: Along with “Magical Song”, Aiba-kun’s solos in recent years have a proper worldview! (laughs)

-- How about the Sakurai solos?

Nino: I guess it’s “T.A.B.O.O” for me!

Aiba: Damn, you stole my answer! (laughs)

Nino: We were featured in it too!

Sho: You guys were featured in it on my birthday! (laughs)

Jun: It was well worth the effort!

Nino: Totally, one hundred percent.


Aiba: I like that one too, the one that goes, “Shiawase tte nan nano~ (What is happiness?)” What’s the title again?

Jun: It was from the Digitalian tour, right?

Sho: Aah, it’s “Hey Yeah”.

Aiba: Yeah, it’s the one where you start with a little monologue.

Ohno: For me, it’s the one where you have a moving house as part of your set… “Sunshine”, that’s the one, isn’t it? It’s the song where you messed up the choreography during the interlude.

Jun: Yeah, he messed up the choreography once, and in subsequent performances he worked really hard! (laughs) Once he knew we were watching backstage on the monitors, he kept looking into the

Sho: Aah, that’s right! (laughs) It was the first time we had monitors at the spots where we’d change our outfits. I heard you guys were really excited backstage. Since then, I’ve become really self-conscious…

Ohno: It was funny how you worked so hard at that performance. (laughs)

Jun: You were motivated because your fellow members were watching… Does such a group exist?

Everyone: ROFL

Jun: It’s difficult to list a favourite when they’re all so good, but I guess it’s “Hip Pop Boogie” for me.”

Sho: Thanks!

-- And moving on to the Ohno solos…

Nino: (cuts in) It’s “Bad boy”!

Aiba: I vote for “Bad boy” too. It was really funny. (laughs)

Nino: I wouldn’t forget the first day (he performed it)… We were thinking, “How would the fans feel when watching this performance?” (laughs)

Jun: The audience was chatting excitedly after it ended, right? (laughs)

Sho: You did many things during the interlude, right? That’s precisely when the members would watch from backstage. We would pull up the shutters or sliding doors.

Ohno: I did that for the members, you see. The people who were watching wouldn’t really understand. (wry smile)

Nino: We were looking out for the “difference”,  you see.

Aiba: If you’re seeing it for the first time, it’s hard to tell. (laughs)

Sho: Well, for me, it’s “TOP SECRET”. The one with the amazing interlude (choreography).

Ohno: Aah~!

Sho: That was amazing, seriously.

Jun: It’s “Akatsuki” for me. I liked the choreography with the fans, it was pretty.

-- Lastly, the Matsumoto solos.

Sho: It’s gotta be the MJ Walk. That’s “Yabai Yabai Yabai”. It’s amazing how he walked on the ceiling.

Ohno: Was it “Naked” where you performed topless?

Nino: That’s what makes it “Naked”!

Everyone: ROFL

Ohno: Yeah. That left a strong impression.

Nino: For me, it’s gotta be “Shake It!”

Aiba: Shake It! We did it a lot!

Sho: We sure did!

-- All the members performed to that song, right?

Sho: At Kokuritsu (Arafes ‘12), right?

Nino: We danced *so* much at Kokuritsu! It came to a point where I thought, “Is Shake It my own solo?”

Everyone: ROFL

Aiba: My favourite is the one with lots of personal photos.

Jun: Oh, “Baby Blue”?

Aiba: It felt very different from your usual style. It left a deep impression on me, it felt very warm.
TAGS: arashi

By skunty empire



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