Hawkins County highway impacted by landslides reopens
HAWKINS COUNTY, Tenn. — More than nine months after deadly landslides impacted two Hawkins county highways, those roads are now reopening. Residents are relieved Highway 66 is now back open and Highway 70 is set to open next week.
Two landslides in February, washed away vehicles and killed a Jonesborough driver.
Since then, residents have been forced to take a long detour.
"It's just been terrible around here, going all the way around,” Thomas Pearson said. Where it takes 11 miles from here to Rogersville, it's 40-some miles around that way."
The two highways are the only connection to grocery stores, health care and work for many people who live on the other side of a steep mountain ridge.
"I have to make three trips to Kingsport per week anyway, because my wife has been pretty bad off with cancer,” Pearson said.
TDOT contractors were originally scheduled to finish repairs to Highway 66 in August and Highway 70 in October, but the discovery of unexpected acidic soil and loose ground caused multiple delays.
"I and most people I talked to didn't think it would be until spring because of the weather,” resident Brian Chaney said.
Residents adjusted by making fewer trips to town. Clinch Elementary School even switched to a four-day week to reduce travel for teachers and students.
The only concern residents have now is the lack of guard rails on this curvy mountain road.
"Especially, out there in that area because there aren't any trees to stop you,” Chaney said. “You're going to tumble to the bottom."
But they're more excited than anything to finally travel with ease.
"Now, I can make two or three trips to town and still not have as much mileage as I did on the detour,” Chaney said.
Hawkins County schools have not announced when Clinch Elementary will return to a five-day schedule.
A TDOT spokesperson said another slide on Highway 70 will be let to construction December 13. A stop light will be installed at a one-lane section until that slide is repaired.
By skunty empire
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